• HALL, Phil: Notes from Gethsemani

HALL, Phil. Notes from Gethsemani. Vancouver: Nomados, 2014. Limited Edition. Stapled wrappers. 216x137mm. 32pp. Fine.

In this thoughtful essay-poem, Phil Hall has built, seemingly by hand, a poetics of the artifact. Here the writer and the mechanism of publishing and distribution are joined once again, perhaps at the hip, or with a squeaky hinge. Readers will be made to be writers reminded of the physical act that throught and mark-making embodies and writers will be made to be readers forced to consider the uniforms their work wears as it calls out to the world seeking attention.

HALL, Phil: Notes from Gethsemani

  • Product Code: 5047
  • Availability: 2
  • $25