[4331] DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 2:6. Fall 1973. Toronto: Open Letter, 1973. First Edition. 223x144mm. Trade Paperback. Fine. 128pp. REFINDING THE LANGUAGE issue. Contributions include: Letter re James Reaney by bpNICHOL; Phyllis Webb by JOHN BENTLEY MAYS; Cadence, Country, Silence by DENNIS LEE; Louis ZukofskyBRe: Location by PETER QUARTERMAIN; Interview by RAOUL DUGUAY/bpNICHOL; Idem the Same by JACK FOLEY; is it very pig uv writrs to write abt othr writrs by BILL BISSETT; for gertrude stein by BERTRAND LACHANCE; Stone by Stone by MIKE DOYLE; Tenderizing Buttons by STEVE McCAFFERY. Also includes Toronto Research Group REPORT 3 (Narrative, part 2): Two Pages on the Nature of the Reality of Writing by bpNICHOL; Drawing in 5 Lessons by HAROLDO GONZALES; and TRG Research Report 2: Narrative (part 1) -- The Book as Machine.


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