CHO, Lily; SINGER, Melina Baum [Eds]. OPEN LETTER 13:7 Fall 2008 Dialogues on Poetics and Public Culture. Strathroy: Open Letter, 2008. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound into Wrappers. New. 143pp. Contributions include: Introduction by LILY CHO and MELINA BAUM SINGER; The Public Reading is a Matter of the Public Reading: The 85 Project by LIANNE MOYES, CLAIRE HUOT and ROBERT MAJZELS; Plangent Soundings: A Conversation on Poetics, Peformance and Pedagogy by TARA LEE, GEORGE ELLIOTT CLARKE; A Path to Freedom, a Key to Real Being: the Transformative Power of Poetry and Public Reading by RUBELISE DA CUNHA, LEE MARACLE; Schlemiel and the Cat in the Hat by KARIS SHEARER, FRANK DAVEY; Three Poems by FRED WAH; "Your Culture Has Been Designated a Week": Canadian Poetics in the Global Public Arena by KIT DOBSON, JEFF DERKSEN; Mistuning the Narratives of Performance by JESSICA WYMAN, KATHLEEN RITTER; On Public Readings and Pedagogy by ASHOK MATHUR, SMARO KAMBOURELI.
OPEN LETTER 13:7 Fall 2008 Dialogues on Poetics and Public Culture
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