• OPEN LETTER 11:2. Visual Poetics
DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 11:2. Visual Poetics. London [Ontario]: Open Letter, 2001. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound into Wrappers. Fine. 107pp. Contributions include: ICQ Chat Session: BRIAN KIM STEFANS & DARREN WERSHLER-HENRY; A Word in another Language I Can Understand: An Interview with Geongy Laky by DEREK BEAULIEU; An Introduction to Alice Teichert by LOLA TOSTEVIN; Alice Teichert's Spectrum: An Interview by LOLA TOSTEVIN; From j'eux by ALICE TEICHERT; Alice Teichert's Artistic Journies by KEN CARPENTER; Finding Jackie by SARAH MURPHY; The New Concrete by MICHAEL BASINSKI; From 'Poetry Plastique' by CHRISTIAN BOK; Home Decoration Guide by TRANS-CANADA RESEARCH TEAM.

OPEN LETTER 11:2. Visual Poetics

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