• HARRYMAN, Carla: Adorno's Noise

HARRYMAN, Carla. Adorno's Noise. No Place: Essay Press, 2008. First Edition. Trade paperback. 215x145mm. 181pp. Fine.

"Arono's Noise may be nothing more than the consonance of late modern capitalism talking to itself, but Carla Harryman listens to Adorno listening, and what she hears is a very different sort of dissonance, something Adorno himself may have been deaf to. Listening for a noise that can't be heard, Harryman attends to the disruption of signal at the limit of Adorno's magisterial eloquence, where thought steps over the body." -- Rob Halpern

HARRYMAN, Carla: Adorno's Noise

  • Product Code: 6087
  • Availability: 1
  • $35