[MICHAEL BOUGHN & VICTOR COLEMAN, eds]. Open Space 14 Winter 2011. Toronto: TNSoW / Shuffaloff / Eternal Network, 2011. Limited Edition. 280x216mm. Stapled. Fine. 11 sheets printed both sides and stapled at the upper left corner. Contains work by participants in the first Advanced Writers Workshop run by Victor Coleman and Michael Boughn through TNSoW. Contributors include: Robert Anderson, Adam Katz, Victor Coleman, Brooke Reid, David Peter Clark, Sara Cohan, Leslie Wexler, VC, Conrad Dueck, Norma Lundberg and Lynn McClory, Michael Boughn, Alban Goulden, with covers by Carla Coimbra.
[MICHAEL BOUGHN & VICTOR COLEMAN, eds]: Open Space 14 Winter 2011
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