GARNET, Eldon [Editor]. Impulse Volume 15 Number 4: HELL. Toronto: Impulse, 1990. First Edition. Trade Paperback. 271x209mm. 107pp. Fine.
The final issue of this 15-year old journal to be edited by Eldon Garnet. Contains work by William Burroughs, Arnie Achtam, William James Power, Jeanne Randolph, Brendan Cotter, McKenzie Wark, Michel Leiris, Evan Hanson + Melony Ward, David Greenberger, Keiko Sei, Cathy Daly, Tom Dean, Micah Lexier, with interviews with William Burroughs and D.M. Thomas.
GARNET, Eldon [Editor]: Impulse Volume 15 Number 4: HELL
- Product Code: 4741
- Availability: 1