JOHNSON, Denis: Jesus' Son
New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. First Thus. 12mo. 160pp. Mass-market paperback. Near Fine...
JONES [Daniel]: South of Queen Street
JONES [Daniel]. South of Queen Street. Toronto: Streetcar Editions, 1989. Limited Edition. 216x138mm..
JONES, Daniel: 1978: A Novel
JONES, Daniel. 1978: A Novel. Toronto: Rush Hour Editions, 1998. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound i..
JOYCE, James: Two Tales of Shem and Shaun: Fragments from a Work in Progress
JOYCE, James. Two Tales of Shem and Shaun: Fragments from a Work in Progress. London: Faber & Faber,..
KENNEDY, C.F.: The Prime Minister's Hat
KENNEDY, C.F. The Prime Minister's Hat. Toronto: Necessary Press, First Edition. 216x140mm. Wrappers..
KENNY, Maurice: Rain and Other Fictions
KENNY, Maurice. Rain and Other Fictions. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1990. First Edition. 213x140mm...
KEROUAC, Jack: Book of Dreams
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1981. Tenth Printing. 8vo. 184pp. Trade paperback. Very Good, with..
KNECHTEL, Mary Beth: Acts of Love
KNECHTEL, Mary Beth. Acts of Love. ill. Bryan Wert. Vancouver: Standard Editions, 1978. Limited Edit..
KOSTELANETZ, Richard [Ed]: Breakthrough Fictioneers
KOSTELANETZ, Richard [Ed]. Breakthrough Fictioneers. Barton: Something Else Press, 1973. First Wrapp..
KROETSCH, Robert: Alibi: A Novel
[2116] KROETSCH, Robert. Alibi: A Novel. New York: Beaufort Books, 1983. First Edition. 8vo. 239pp. ..
KROETSCH, Robert: Badlands
[2115] KROETSCH, Robert. Badlands. Toronto: New Press, 1975. First Edition. 12mo. 270pp. Hardcover i..
LADOO, Harold Sonny: Yesterdays
LADOO, Harold Sonny. Yesterdays. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1974. First Edition. Trade Paperbac..
LAFERRIERE, Dany: Dining with the Dictator
LAFERRIERE, Dany. Dining with the Dictator. Toronto: The Coach House Press, 1994. First Edition. 214..
LAI, Larissa: When Fox is a Thousand
LAI, Larissa. When Fox is a Thousand. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009. Second Printing. 203x146m..
LALLY, Michael: It's Not Nostalgia: Poetry & Prose
LALLY, Michael. It's Not Nostalgia: Poetry & Prose. Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1999. First Wra..