
DUTTON, Paul: Several Women Dancing

DUTTON, Paul: Several Women Dancing

DUTTON, Paul. Several Women Dancing. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2002. First Edition. Trade Paperbac..


ENGEL, Mairan: The Honeymoon Festival

ENGEL, Mairan: The Honeymoon Festival

ENGEL, Mairan: The Honeymoon Festival. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1970. First Wraps. Trade pape..


FAWCETT, Brian: Aggressive Transport

FAWCETT, Brian: Aggressive Transport

FAWCETT, Brian. Aggressive Transport. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1982. First Edition. Trade paperback. 1..


FAWCETT, Brian: The Enemy

FAWCETT, Brian: The Enemy

FAWCETT, Brian. The Enemy. Toronto: David Mason Books, 1991. Limited Edition. Sewn Into Wrappers. 21..


FAWCETT, Brian: The Opening (Prince George, finally)

FAWCETT, Brian: The Opening (Prince George, finally)

FAWCETT, Brian. The Opening (Prince George, finally). Vancouver: New Star Books, 1974. First Edition..


FERRON, Jacques: Tales From The Uncertain Country

FERRON, Jacques: Tales From The Uncertain Country

FERRON, Jacques. Tales From The Uncertain Country. Toronto: Anansi, 1972. First Edition. 215x137mm. ..


FRUTKIN, Mark: Atmospheres Apollinaire

FRUTKIN, Mark: Atmospheres Apollinaire

FRUTKIN, Mark. Atmospheres Apollinaire. Erin: The Porqupine's Quill, 1988. First Edition. Perfect bo..


GALLANT, Mavis: From The Fifteenth District [SIGNED]

GALLANT, Mavis: From The Fifteenth District [SIGNED]

GALLANT, Mavis. From The Fifteenth District: A Novella and Eight Short Stories [SIGNED]. Toronto: Ma..


GIBSON, Graeme: Five Legs

GIBSON, Graeme: Five Legs

GIBSON, Graeme. Five Legs. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1971. Third Printing. Trade paperback. 21..


GIBSON, Graeme: Five Legs

GIBSON, Graeme: Five Legs

GIBSON, Graeme. Five Legs. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1969. First Edition. 215x148mm. 194pp. Ve..


GOLDING, William: The Pyramid

GOLDING, William: The Pyramid

GOLDING, William. The Pyramid. London: Faber & Faber, 1967. First Edition. Hardcover in jacket. ..


GORDON, Spencer; LAPORT, Mat [Editors]: For Crying Out Loud II: Another Anthology of Poetry & Fiction

GORDON, Spencer; LAPORT, Mat [Editors]: For Crying Out Loud II: Another Anthology of Poetry & Fiction

GORDON, Spencer; LAPORT, Mat [Editors]. For Crying Out Loud II: Another Anthology of Poetry & Fi..


GREEN, Henry: Doting

GREEN, Henry: Doting

GREEN, Henry. Doting. London: The Hogarth Press, 1952. First Edition. Hardcover in jacket. 251pp. Ve..


GREEN, Henry: Surviving: The Uncollected Writings

GREEN, Henry: Surviving: The Uncollected Writings

GREEN, Henry. Surviving: The Uncollected Writings. Edited by Matthew Yorke. New York: Viking, 1992. ..


GROVE, Frederick Philip: In Search of Myself

GROVE, Frederick Philip: In Search of Myself

GROVE, Frederick Philip. In Search of Myself. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1946. First Edition. Har..


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