
MASHECK, Joseph: C'S Aesthetics: Philosophy in the Painting

MASHECK, Joseph: C'S Aesthetics: Philosophy in the Painting

Philadelphia: Slought Foundation, 2004. First Edition. 8vo. 145pp. Fine. The device of reducing the ..


McCLURE, Michael: Scratching the Beat Surface

McCLURE, Michael: Scratching the Beat Surface

McCLURE, Michael. Scratching the Beat Surface. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1982. First Edition..


MCCORD, Howard: Gnomonology: A Handbook of Systems

MCCORD, Howard: Gnomonology: A Handbook of Systems

Berkeley: Sand Dollar, 1971. 8vo. np [28 pages]. First Edition. One of 1000 copies stapled into prin..


McELROY, Gil (Curator): St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol

McELROY, Gil (Curator): St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol

McELROY, Gil (Curator). St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre ..


McLENNAN, Rob: I Simply Began: Above/ground Press at 20: An Interivew with Rob McLennan

McLENNAN, Rob: I Simply Began: Above/ground Press at 20: An Interivew with Rob McLennan

McLENNAN, Rob. I Simply Began: Above/ground Press at 20: An Interivew with Rob McLennan. Ottawa: Apt..


mclennan, rob: yes, i HAVE published a lot of stuff: a dozen reasons why i will not apologize

mclennan, rob: yes, i HAVE published a lot of stuff: a dozen reasons why i will not apologize

Ottawa: Apostrophe Press, 2003. Limited Edition. Square 8vo. np [24 pages]. One of 200 copies printe..


MEESON, Brian: Shapings

MEESON, Brian: Shapings

Agincourt: The Book Society of Canada, 1967. First Edition. 8vo. 110pp. Perfect bound into printed w..


MEESON, Brian: Warpings

MEESON, Brian: Warpings

Agincourt: The book Society of Canada, 1972. First Edition. 8vo. 80pp. Perfect bound into printed wr..


MERWIN, W.S.: Unframed Originals: Recollections

MERWIN, W.S.: Unframed Originals: Recollections

New York: Atheneum, 1983. First Wraps [issued simultaneously with hardcover]. 8vo. 236pp. Very Good,..


METCALF, John: Freedom From Culture

METCALF, John: Freedom From Culture

Vancouver: TANKS (William Hoffer, Bookseller), 1987. Second Edition. 8vo. 21pp. Stapled into self-wr..


MIKI, Roy [ed]: Tracing the Paths: Reading [not equals] Writing The Martyrology

MIKI, Roy [ed]: Tracing the Paths: Reading [not equals] Writing The Martyrology

Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1988. Published as issue number 10 ofLine. First Edition. 8vo. 343pp. Origina..


MILLER, J. Abbott: Dimensional Typography: Case Studies on the Shape of Letters in Virtual Environme

MILLER, J. Abbott: Dimensional Typography: Case Studies on the Shape of Letters in Virtual Environme

Princeton: A Kiosk Report, 1996. First Edition. 8vo. 57pp. Perfect bound into printed wrappers with ..


MILLER, J.: Blitz Hardware: Scenes from a Life on Jump Street

MILLER, J.: Blitz Hardware: Scenes from a Life on Jump Street

MILLER, J. Blitz Hardware: Scenes from a Life on Jump Street. Toronto: The Eternal Network, 1978. Li..


MILLER, Jr., James E. (Ed): Whitman's

MILLER, Jr., James E. (Ed): Whitman's "Song of Myself" - Origin, Growth, Meaning

New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1964. First Edition. 8vo. 203pp. Printed wrappers. Very good, with s..


MOHR, Bill: Holdouts: The Los Angeles Poetry Renaissance 1948-1992

MOHR, Bill: Holdouts: The Los Angeles Poetry Renaissance 1948-1992

MOHR, Bill. Holdouts: The Los Angeles Poetry Renaissance 1948-1992. Iowa City: Iowa University Press..


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