Let Us Compare Mythologies / "Comparons nos mythologies"
Half a Century of Canadian Poetry in English / Un demi-siecle de poesie canadienne en anglais. Ottaw..
Letters From Geeksville: Red Lane to George Bowering 1960 : 1964
Caledonia Writing Series, 1976. A facsimile edition of the original edition published by Barry McKin..
LEVINE, Norman: Canada Made Me
No place: Deneau & Greenberg, 1979. First Thus. 8vo. 277pp. Perfect bound into printed wrappers. Ver..
LOCHHEAD, Douglas [Ed]: At the Mermaid Inn
Wilfred Campbell, Archibald Lampman, Duncan Campbell Scott in The Globe 1892-3Toronto: University of..
LOCK, Margaret (Compiler): Ink Paper Lead, Board Leather Thread
LOCK, Margaret (Compiler). Ink Paper Lead, Board Leather Thread: An Exhibition of hand-printed Books..
LOPES, Damian: bpNichol: a selection of small press Publications [afterwords literature]
LOPES, Damian. bpNichol: a selection of small press Publications [afterwords literature]. Toronto: D..
LUCIE-SMITH, Edward: The Little Press Movement in England and America [Catalogue]
London: Turret Books-Publishers, 1968. First Edition. 8vo. np.Perfect bound into printed wrappers. A..
MADDIN, Guy: From the Atelier Tovar: Selected Writings
Toronto: Coach House Books, 2003. First Edition. 8vo. 235pp. Perfect bound into wrappers with die-cu..
MANDEL, Ann: Measures: Robert Creeley's Poetry
MANDEL, Ann. Measures: Robert Creeley's Poetry. Toronto: The Coach House Press, 1974. First Edition...
MARIAH, Paul: Letter to Robert Duncan While Bending the Bow
San Francisco: ManRoot Books, 1974. First Edition. 8vo. Stapled Wrappers. Very Good np [28 pages]. A..
MARIONI, Tom: Writings On Art 1969-1999
San Francisco: Crown Point Press, 2000. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound into Wrappers. Fine 84pp. ..
MARTIN, Lee-Ann [Ed]: Making a Noise! Aboriginal Perspectives on Art, Art history, Critical Writing and Community
[5294] MARTIN, Lee-Ann. Making a Noise! Aboriginal Perspectives on Art, Art history, Critical Writin..
MASHECK, Joseph: C'S Aesthetics: Philosophy in the Painting
Philadelphia: Slought Foundation, 2004. First Edition. 8vo. 145pp. Fine. The device of reducing the ..
McCLURE, Michael: Scratching the Beat Surface
McCLURE, Michael. Scratching the Beat Surface. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1982. First Edition..
MCCORD, Howard: Gnomonology: A Handbook of Systems
Berkeley: Sand Dollar, 1971. 8vo. np [28 pages]. First Edition. One of 1000 copies stapled into prin..