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OPEN LETTER 11:3 Fall 2001 The 'Open Letter' Issue. London: Open Letter, 2001. First Edition. Trade ..
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DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 9:1 Fall 1994; The Failure? Of Canadian Literature. London: Open Lett..
DORSCHT, Susan Rudy [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 9:2 Spring 1995 Writing It Other/Wise: Race, Sexualities, Bodi..
DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 9:8 Spring 1997 Coach House Press, 1965-1996. London: Open Letter, 19..
OPPENHEIMER, Joel. Poetry, the Ecology of the Soul. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 1983. First Edition. ..
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PECKHAM, Morse: Man's Rage For Chaos: Biology, Behavior, and the Arts. Philapelphia: Chilton Books, ..
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Toronto: The Mercury Press, 1992. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound into Wrappers. Fine. 286pp...
Barrytowm: Station Hill press, 1987. First Thus. 4to. 211pp. Illustrated throughout in black and whi..
Showing 136 to 150 of 227 (16 Pages)