CANTY, Daniel; AVASILICHIOAEI, Oana, Trans.: Wigrum [SIGNED]
CANTY, Daniel; AVASILICHIOAEI, Oana, Trans. Wigrum [SIGNED]. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2013. First Edit..
CARSON, Anne: Red Doc>
CARSON, Anne. Red Doc>. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013. First Edition. Trade Paperback. ..
CHRISTAKOS, Margaret: Welling
CHRISTAKOS, Margaret. Welling. Sudbury: Your Scrivner Press, 2010. First Edition. Trade Paperback. 2..
CHRISTENSEN, Inger: Butterfly Valley: A Requiem
CHRISTENSEN, Inger. Butterfly Valley: A Requiem. New York: New Directions, 2004. First Edition. Trad..
CHRISTIE, Jason; KRUK, Frances: Metaphysical Contingent [SIGNED]
CHRISTIE, Jason; KRUK, Frances. Metaphysical Contingent [SIGNED]. Toronto: Self-published, 2005. Lim..
CLARK, David Peter: Feathered Dinosaurs
CLARK, David Peter. Feathered Dinosaurs. Toronto: Shuffaloff / Eternal Network, 2012. Limited Editio..
CLARK, Tom: Chicago
CLARK, Tom. Chicago. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1974. Limited Edition. Stapled Into Self Wrap..
CLARK, Tom: Fan Poems
CLARK, Tom. Fan Poems. Plainfield: North Atlantic Books, 1976. First Edition. Trade Paperback. 225x1..
CLARK, Tom: Suite
CLARK, Tom. Suite. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1974. First Printing. Stapled Into Self Wrapper..
CLARK, Tom: The No Book
CLARK, Tom. The No Book. Wivenhoe Park, Essex: The Ant's Forefoot, 1971. First Edition. Stapled Wrap..
CLARK, Tom: Trans/Versions
CLARK, Tom. Trans/Versions. New York: Libellum, 2009. Limited Edition. Stapled Wrappers. 201x151mm. ..
CLARKE, Jeremy: Common Prayer
CLARKE, Jeremy. Common Prayer. Toronto: Rufus Books / The St. Thomas Poetry Series, 2012. First Edit..
CLARKE, John: In the Analogy
CLARKE, John. In the Analogy. Toronto / Buffalo: Shuffaloff Press, 1997. First Edition. Hardcover in..
CLARKE, John: Lots of Doom: The Canton Reading December 12, 1971
CLARKE, John. Lots of Doom: The Canton Reading December 12, 1971. Toronto: Eternal Network / Shuffal..
COLE, Norma: Actualities
COLE, Norma. Actualities. Vancouver: Nomados, 2012. Limited Edition. Stapled Wrappers. 215x136mm. 2..