Magazines and Journals
[2641] COOLIDGE, Clark. Hoppy Poems. New Orleans: Fell Swoop, Limited Edition. 4to. Stapled Into Sel..
North Vancouver: The Capilano Review, 1974. First Edition. 8vo. Perfect bound into Wrappers. Fine. 1..
GALVIN, Robert; MELE, Ji,; NORRIS, Ken (Eds). CrossCountry No. 8/9. Montreal: CrossCountry Press, 19..
CURNOE, Greg [Ed]. Region No. 5 "DISPOSABLE". London [Ontario]: Region, 1963. Limited Edition. 278x2..
CURRY, jw (Ed). Industrial Sabotage #18. Toronto: Curvd H&Z, 1983. Limited Edition. 213x137mm. Sewn...
CURRY, jw (Ed). Industrial Sabotage #38. Toronto: Curvd H&Z, 1986. Limited Edition. 106x68mm. Staple..
CURRY, jw (Ed). Industrial Sabotage #39. Toronto: Curvd H&Z, 1987. Limited Edition. 213x139mm. Sewn...
CURRY, jw (Ed). Industrial Sabotage #46. Toronto: Curvd H&Z, 1990. Limited Edition. 217x140mm. Stapl..
CURRY, jw (Ed). INDUSTRIAL SABOTAGE 35: Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions. Toronto: Curvd ..
CURRY, jw. Industrial Sabatage #59. Ottawa: Curvd H&Z, 2000. Limited Edition. Oblong 12mo. Sewn. Fin..
CUSIMANO, Oliver. COUGH #1. Toronto: COUGH, 2013. Limited Edition. 280x217mm. Wrappers. Fine. np [34..
[3655] D'or, Vic [Victor Coleman]. IS. 16: An Issue of Collaborative Works. Toronto: The Eternal Net..
DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 11:2. Visual Poetics. London [Ontario]: Open Letter, 2001. First Edit..
DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 11:7. Language Graphic. London [Ontario]: Open Letter, 2003. First Ed..
[5292] DAVEY, Frank [Ed]. OPEN LETTER 11:8 Summer 2003. Strathroy: Open Letter, 2003. First Edition...
Showing 31 to 45 of 187 (13 Pages)