Magazines and Journals
REANEY, James [ed]: Alphabet Numbers 18&19, 1971
REANEY, James [ed]. Alphabet Numbers 18&19, 1971: London [Ontario]: Alphabet, 1971. First Edition. 8..
REED, Ishmael (Ed): Y'Bird Magazine: Volume 1 Number 1
REED, Ishmael (Ed). Y'Bird Magazine: Volume 1 Number 1. Berkeley: Y'Bird Magazine, 1978. First Editi..
RIDDELL, John; TRUHLAR, Richard [eds]. KONTAKTE Series 1, Number 2: Hugo Ball Issue.
RIDDELL, John; TRUHLAR, Richard [eds]. KONTAKTE Series 1, Number 2: Hugo Ball Issue. Toronto: Phenom..
ROSENBERG, David: The Necessity of Poetry
ROSENBERG, David. The Necessity of Poetry. Toronto: The Coach House Press, 1973. Limited Edition. 30..
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]: Dwarf Puppets on Parade Issue No. 1: hell is no E's
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]. Dwarf Puppets on Parade Issue No. 1: hell is no E's. Toronto: Proper Tales Press,..
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]: Dwarf Puppets on Parade Issue No. 2
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]. Dwarf Puppets on Parade Issue No. 2 "Jimmie, My boy, I've Been Shot". Toronto: Pr..
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]: Mondo Hunkamooga No. 2 Oct. 1983
ROSS, Stuart [Ed]. Mondo Hunkamooga No. 2 Oct. 1983. Toronto: Proper Tales Press, 1983. Limited Edit..
Salem: Winter Island Press, 1979. First Edition. Square 8vo. 31pp. Stapled into self-wrappers. Almos..
SKARSTEDT, Sonja A. [ed]: Zymergy Literary Review Vol 2 No 1 Spring-Summer 1988
Montreal: Zymergy, 1988. First Edition. 8vo. 111pp. Perfect bound. Inscribed to Chrisopher Dewdney f..
SMITH, Rod [editor]: Aerial 8: Barrett Watten
SMITH, Rod [editor]. Aerial 8: Barrett Watten. Washington: Edge Books, 1995. First Edition. Perfect ..
SMITH, Rod [editor]: AERIAL 9: Bruce Andrews.
SMITH, Rod [editor]. AERIAL 9: Bruce Andrews. Washington: Edge Books, 1999. First Edition. Perfect b..
SUCH, Peter [Ed]: Impulse Volume 2 Number 3 & 4
SUCH, Peter [Ed]. Impulse Volume 2 Number 3 & 4. [erin]: Press Porcepic, 1973. First Edition. 8vo. P..
The Antigonish Review Number 74-75: Marshall McLuhan Special Issue
Antigonish: St. Francis Xavier University, 1988. First Edition. 8vo. 228pp. Perfect bound into wrapp..
THE PENNY ARCADE COLLECTIVE. Perpetual Motion Machine. Toronto: The Penny Arcade, nd. Limited Editio..
The Shit #3 [SHITHEAD]
The Shit #3 [SHITHEAD]. Toronto: Martin Garth Press, First Edition. Oblong 8vo. Stapled. Very Good +..